Friday, January 28, 2011

9-11 demolition facts are questioned on KPFA-KPFK radio

Guns and Butter presented a radio program about 9-11 titled - "The Economics of Politics 9=11
'Demolition Access to the World Trade Center Towers" with Kevin Ryan

A brief description of program has been written up as :

"WTC tenants, both companies and employees; security and design firms and their board members involved in redesigning and implementing the new security system after the 1993 basement bombing; companies and individuals involved in the clean-up of ground zero. Who had the means, access, motivation...

the radio program was played on KPFA and replayed on KPFK
titled - The Economics of Politics 9=11 :'Demolition Access to the World Trade Center Towers' with Kevin Ryan as speaker.

A description of program was written up as:

" WTC tenants, both companies and employees; security and design firms and their board members involved in redesigning and implementing the new security system after the 1993 basement bombing; companies and individuals involved in the clean-up of ground zero. Who had the means, access, motivation...

"Kevin Ryan is the former Site Manager for Environmental Health Laboratories, a division of Underwriters Laboratories (UL). Mr. Ryan, a Chemist and laboratory manager, was fired by UL in 2004 for publicly questioning the report being drafted by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) on their World Trade Center investigation. In the intervening period, Ryan has completed additional research while his original questions, which have become increasingly important over time, remain unanswered by UL or NIST.

"Through interviews, presentations, and his work as co-editor at the online Journal of 911 Studies, Mr. Ryan works to bring out the truth behind the events of 9/11/01."

Program comes thru KPFA,

Produced by Bonnie Faulkner.

(Bio from )

Program was played on and available some more from KPFA,
Program download:

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

On the KPFA website:
a comment on Jan 28 2011 said:

" Listening to replay of program on KPFK in LA in deep dark middle of night, I sat up and listened well ! Of course, I also want everyone else to hear it, know it, and read transcript of talk too. Thanks to Bonnie for playing it and for Roy of Hollywood in LA for sharing it to us local So Cal folk.

Does anyone know of a text transcript available ?

Or do I have to type it up and offer it ?.... in time....

This definitely needs various formats to share it for those who like to read more slowly, or listen, or need to be lured into info by some other 'sly' means ?

billboards, posters, placards, postcards, what else ?

who is doing some of this ?

please someone - inform us all

9-11 is debated by various programmers on KPFK, some who call those who are interested or just share info or play a program are labeled "fringe" elements and are wished away from the station, and others who very occasionally play a program, conference, lecture seem to have-to even 'apologize' to the management ?
or the listeners ?
or to those who may be higher-stat used at KPFK station ? dunno
but it is strange censorship attempt at free-speech non-transparent Pacifica, other claims notwithstanding.

We need more exposure of info, of facts, of questions, of discussions, of alllllll that has been or is still wanted to be SUPPRESSED so only one sided propaganda exists....instead of the multiple varieties of propagandas and Rashomon stories become exposed, wikileaker style.

who is doing this on 9-11 more so now a days ?

give us some more info, here or tell us where else to look...

KPFK does not have a website that allows comments or responses. reverted back to 17th Cent. style and is the less transparent place no matter how much I or others try badger, shame them into revealing more about what happens in, around, within, station. No access allowed !

No comments allowed there either...been trying, failing to get station mgement or staff to change...for years....oh well....
they replayed this program anyhow !

[note to Bonnie of "Guns and Butter": you need to do basic update of your website cuz none of the headings opens into anything other than same request for money, which is listed as '2010' and '2008'...unless you deliberately dont want to hear anything or share any info, such as "about" or "contact" either ?? ]

another person wrote:

"Yes it is a lot of info. These may help: "

You may want to listen with fascination to this pertinent information about doubts many people still have and speak about with a bit of worry about the 'truth' OUR government provides us about 'what did happen' and what makes sense from the published publicized versions provided via main street public media. Many have become more and more concerned about the honesty of 'facts' and slants of information allowed 'out'. Many more are still scientifically and crefully researching to unearth and dis-cover reliable verifiable 'facts' that confirm any 'theories' as without a basis in our physical actual reality, many more people now than ever before have serious concerns and doubts.

The distrust of OUR government, which all is paid and maintained by every single taxpayer in this USA, has expanded, exploded and become a 'problem' for all government staff and officials...more and more "independents", 'tea party' groupers, and others no longer accept what PR speeches and disclaimers and cliche slogans are regularly offered up to dispell our distrust.

The 9-11 related subsequent questions that remained are still unanswered, unexplained, and also more often just ignored, which makes the USA "Amercan People" wonder just who was "home" and "providing public security" both in 2001 and in 2011 also.

"conspiracy" is repetitious word used in an attempt to discount and demean those who ask legitimate questions, thus officials and deniers are suggesting only they have good answers and "theories" - and is why the "Official" Govt PR versions are claimed as the ONLY "truths" that exist.

Many people,today as before, are not so sure.

(C) akpfker 2011 "

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