Friday, August 19, 2011

KPFK Town Hall date, time, place unknown now...check it out

8/19/2011 a comment was made to article re 9/17/2011 KPFK Town Hall announcement=


is this happening ??? when ? where? huh ?

The original information as WRITTEN by a KPFK staffer indicated earlier that the Town Hall meeting is Sept 17, as written above. This was emailed out more than once, 2X actually, including this last week also.

The KPFK LSB meeting 2 nights ago briefly discussed this event and seemed to be changing the date and location, with nothing firmed up or decided, so all seems to be up in the air.

Looking at KPFK website, there is NOTHING noted there...the event is not findable nor in Events section of website as of today. So maybe they dont want any us = KPFK $$takeholders and attendees....since Town Hall Meeting is suppose to be in a month from today, or sooner ?

And when the radio station was called today, the response was that there was no available information - as it seems the event’s details have 'not yet been resolved “...whatever that means... this is again a sad sample of how tangled and chaotic OUR venerated and funded-by-listeners radio station actually operates... so if YOU ARE INTERESTED in attending, going to see who is the staff, or having maybe access to someone involved for 1 min for a Question or comment at a Town Hall that is REQUIRED by their Pacifica Bylaws… then you may have to call the radio station at 1 818 985 2711 and inquire.

Or go there directly [see website for address and directions and map ] because all emails will get you and the rest of us no response at all, as usual.

The above announcement was made in our good faith = to include as many people interested and involved in KPFK and it's doings as possible...and the follow-thru we made now indicates that what was trusted to be information from the station to some subscribers was accurate.... and now may NOT BE SO..

Yuk ! Frustration, dismay and anger at the waste of time and efforts on stakeholders who want to participate in OUR station's doings is apparent here and now ... yep.... yuk !

Or will the purported interactive meeting be as chaotic as the station’s staff’s ability to get accurate - helpful - information out and to disseminate it to the public is ? yuk !

check it out if you are interested....we sadly give up on this here.

(C) akpfker 2011

Saturday, August 13, 2011

KPFK- finally offers an opportunity - to talk to management

this was posted also on - reprinted for everyone to see and know, not just those who 'happen to catch it' when it may occasionally be announced on air or those who may go to website on the occasional basis.....


KPFK’s Local Station Board is organizing a Town Hall Meeting for Saturday, September 17, 2011. The main objective of the Town Hall is to create a dialogue between Station Management and the listeners, and to provide a forum for listener ideas and concerns.

NOTE: "This activity is required by the Pacifica Bylaws."

[[ or else it would not occur, right ?...

communicating with anyone who works or manages or any one who does programming at this SUBSCRIBER SUPPORTER station is impossible at any other time it seems from experience over many many years....

since emails, voice mails, or attempts to contact any one at all at OUR paid-for station is NOT happening or allowed. This may be the 1 time to be present with management, but with someone In Control at that end MC'g and monitoring...

Some few will be able to at least voice some concerns that are otherwise so easily and consistently IGNORED by all who are suppose to listen...not only to each other ...but to the rest of the loyal $$$hareholders too.....

oh well, in case anyone wants to go, here is what has been
advertised so far]]

"WHERE: Immanuel Presbyterian Church, Westminster Chapel (3300 Wilshire Blvd. @ Berendo)"

[this is in Los Angeles near the Vermont MTA rail station at Wilshire/Vermont - within walking distance from there ]

"TIME: To be announced "

[[Or call the station at 818 985 2711 X 0 during open hours 9 - 5 pm weekdays only

or see website
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

If anyone wants to invite others to also attend and make a good showing of questions, confrontations, compliments, concerns, and 'requests for freedom of information' from the non-profit that we already have all paid for - over so many long years...

... only to still be excluded from any decisions or any knowing of what or how anything is decided - for us...
and accounting for our monies...
how it's spent...
who gets in to positions...
who gets chosen as a 'volunteer' programmer...
whatare other benefits of being an on-air programmer actually - what perks there are [often un-admitted or kept oh so secret to listeners].

Presumably there will NO FEE charged for this event, tho that was not clearly stated in the advisement received and presented above.

A request for more OPENNESS and time + places-for -shareholder- inputs on a regular basis will also be addressed and presented and any similar comments appreciated.

"The American People", the KPFK audience,the Pacifica Shareholders also have come to Distrust those that 'govern' all we own, we who partake in KPFK and it's doings.

We want to improve it, and we want to be PART of all of it ... more than in 'just give us your money' ways.

hope to see you there ! loudly, sincerely, actively, and loyally too.

(C) akpfker

Monday, July 4, 2011

Is it OK to Video Record a KPFK LSB meeting and not share ?

To clarify one more opinion about the videotaping of all attending a KPFK LSB meeting, here is one by Terry Goodman [not an attorney]:

"The law requires that recording be allowed at public meetings so long as this does not interfere with the proceedings. The law does not require that those recording identify themselves or make their recordings publicly available.
A meeting can have a reasonable expectation of privacy, so by their attendance I think there is a legal presumption that they have waived any right not to be filmed or recorded.

The conflict I referred to in passing is created by a section of the Pacifica Bylaws that says that persons cannot be required to identify themselves to qualify to address Pacifica boards during the mandated public comment periods.

That the Pacifica Bylaws specifically provide a protection for public anonymity at meetings suggests that Pacifica should take measures to protect the public's anonymity at meetings if it can, such as by discouraging the filming of persons who don't want to be filmed -- but the public meeting laws suggest that any such limitation imposed upon recordists might be a violation of their rights, so Pacifica must be careful and get a legal opinion on this before acting."

Yet the concerns of those who attend a meeting and are recorded by those who do not appear to represent a media organization makes some uncomfortable. Then to not have access to the results recorded at all - by having no identification visible from or on the Recorder - makes some of us nervous.

Yes, we have all heard it repeated: "when you are in a public space, you can be photoed, recorded, copied, [ your invaded private space is taken, and taken for granted] and the results should not be used for commercial purposes."

But who knows if they are ?

Who is ever asked "can we record you and your speech ?" but recorders not on telephone just assume they CAN because they purchased the equipment [or borrowed it]. Many photographers act as if the world is theirs for the taking - of any pictures of you or yours, any time, any where - free images to just take.

In fact, the camera acts as the badge of authority proving they can 'take you' because they OWN the machine and are directly in front of you or zooming subvertly from afar. The invasion of personal space and what was once considered politely as our "privacy" of person no longer exists. Maybe it never existed before either.

But the more cheap gadgets available that record and then transfer our personal images and words [or which we assume is limited to one pubic event] make anything expressed open to any use- makes us vulnerable.

And so much easy software that then changes reality into any propaganda or slant or demeanment desired is making this proliferation of 'us' pretty scary too. We have no more control or even knowledge of how 'we' are being portrayed or being used, nor even by whom. No one is required to ask or identify themselves or disclose their purposes either.

Does this prevent some speakers from voicing opinions or suggestions in public?

Can there be rules or requests for recorders to state where their results can be reviewed or accessed ?

Is there any social responsibility by those with gadgets, obvious or hidden, to inform those whom they are 'using' for their own purposes?

Is all interpersonal trust and accountability lost and long gone ?


(c) akpfker 2011

Monday, June 27, 2011

another OPEN LETTER to new KPFK General Manager

This is another OPEN letter because there has been no responses to various emails sent to the KPFK General Manager at his corrected address.

And though this is not unusual to all listeners' previous attempts at corresponding with any staff at KPFK. there should be a two-way communication with any place that takes in our money - it must be possible. Yet sometimes it becomes only a 1-way attempt to make connections - that are not even acknowledged. So are they received ? We dont ever find out. No response may mean 'dont care' ?

Who knows if the emails sent are opened or read ?
Who knows if the words and thoughts are not even opened - to find out for whatever is expressed - even if these writers put forth efforts with good intentions, thought-out suggestions, precious time and persistence ?

Who knows what goes on in the internal bowels of the free-speech radio station called KPFK we financially support, anyhow ?

And because we $stakeholders CARE enough to persist in our dedications to making contact, and to being a PART of what we pay for, and we are diligent in not being just ignored until 'fund-raising' re-occurs, we write or call one more time.

So here it is, this email was sent well over a week ago - and now is OPENed to any interested reader here as well:

June 18,2011

"Hi Bernard

We saw you recently at the LSB meeting. We are glad to have you present and hopefully to be able to solve the many problems that have been noted and commented upon in prior emails to the station staff, and some unsolved procedures that continue to persist at the station. We are sure you know what you are getting into. We wish you strength, focus and good hard work at making improvements as well. Glad you have arrived to help manage OUR station, for us.

We are separately forwarding the 2nd recent email we sent - that was not delivered because the WEBSITE LISTS the "GM" address differently [than one a friend revealed as the corrected one: - so there was another 'mail failure.' Luckily we were able to ask someone else who knew more of the internal workings at KPFK - who gave us this address for you instead.

That kind of negligence and unaccountability and lack of access to you by KPFK members is typical of the alienation we have from staff and programmers at KPFK - from those of us who actually pay and support the station - and so these glitches are inexcusable. So we assume you will now supervise those who appear to be neglecting their job and duties, even while being paid for the work ?

Why doesn't someone know that there are errors that continue to appear on KPFK's website ? This is the 2nd main way of accessing information or programs from the station. Or are those workers that you have joined are not even noticing the changes ? The $stakeholder members and volunteers all need to be acknowledged and openly so, so when correspondences are not just 'lost', but may be put aside, ignored, or left unread or unanswered, we wonder. Some [any] acknowledgement is surely due to all those who pay membership /shareholder fees towards your and other staff salaries too. Hope it is OK to mention money, as when it is fund drive time that is all we hear...but then later what we dont get is...
oh, you know.

I sure hope you have someone helping you now, as an assistant or secretary, to attend to those sincere attempts to communicate with you from KPFK supporters. And more so with all the other changes and improvements needed in there too.

We also am asking [and others are too]this:
that the 2 videographers who did not identify themselves at the June LSB meeting, advise you and LSB chairperson as to who they are - or how to access the videos they took - or tell us all what is done with those videos ? The videographers should not be so sly and silent - but be open and share their product's [media's] availability - especially with anyone responsible at station, and especially to those LSB members. Even if not divulged to the rest of us attendees present there, the LSB members can inform us too - because the videos will now be exposed in ways we did not ask to be. Public meetings are not anonymous ones. Privacy is not honored.

Do you even know how you will be exposed on those videos too ? And how open LSB meetings are presented or where ? Do you know anything about this ? We wrote the LSB chairperson as well to ask about this.[Tho there has been no answer from there either so far.]

While all staff at the station appear to be clearly stressed, they are also are hard-workers, dedicated and also often seem to be in conflict with one another - for their different viewpoints or beliefs. They are all commendable for what they can do - as good "workaholics" - and they must put in lots of hard work, there being so few staff available or funded - and also it seems they yet cant or haven't made the improvements so badly needed [ problems known for so long and repeatedly reported to KPFK too ].

We will not enumerate for you all the prior and continuous concerns, complaints and requests we alone have made or attempted to communicate - that have NEVER been addressed, improved or even responded to...for the longest time...but we have concluded that 'it cant be done' and we kinda left the station, separated out and decided we did not want to drop down - as all seemed to be happening deep inside there.

PLEASE ALSO NOTE: Alan Minsky the iPD - is extremely able, competent, smart, workaholic, dedicated and now in more recent times he is making necessary CHANGES in programming. He should be commended for his daring courage and willingness to make improvements - that can make KPFK not the same-old-same-old haranguing repetitious voices of the few.

Many people we also meet OUTside the station have also complained and drifted away to KPCC [as have we, most often] because of the repeated same messages by same people who cling on to their KPFK program spot = their demanding air time for their pet ideas and personal slants. ugh.... So the iPD's changes may bring us all back to KPFK as some innovation is now being attempted and accomplished too.

The prior Pgm Manager was someone who was obviously using cronyism and somehow seemed maybe prejudiced or biased, and very limited in his willingness to open to other than his selected voices - and tho he stayed for years in place - and he did not communicate well with many. Lots of us were glad to see Alan take his place.

The difference in competence and courage and willingness to even experiment with different programming to see what works better is enormous. And we are not 'friends' of Alan's at all, but 'just' we do volunteer and are good observers and occasional listeners and fund contributors too.

We are sure you will hear many sides complaining about the others, each of the pet alliances insisting on their being the only ones to be heard or allowed on air... and pressures from each faction to dominate with their

Many want to be given air time - yes, especially all those who never ever mention aloud the word "payola" - - that many listeners already know that happens - tho not in the old-radio corrupt ways - but as side benefits obviously [sometimes financial too ] accrued by those 'volunteer' programmers. There is so much regular repeated hype, spin, PR and promo's that 'go along with' the banner of some community information being given. Yet no fools listen to KPFK who dont realize the selling promotions advertising under any other name that occurs constantly, tho never ever admitted. No ! never ! Those many programmers who do not do what they do for just 'altruistic service' - tho so they like to present such - like to claim it so. Liars.

Some are more obvious than others in the PR and promos on air that are presented as 'interviewing' and many are especially and notably so at the fund drives. The contributors of free premiums to the station make out cheaply for so much air time for them and their products, so obviously. The pretense it is all only for the funding of the radio station. But such 'other' alliances are profitable in more than in just money grubbing ways as well, as access and benefits occur in other 'corporation businesses' also. KPFK is not as pure as presented and pretended either. As elsewhere, no one will admit or say this though. The fear of being treasonous or betraying the station they fear may collapse keeps silence at a premium, well funded too.

That this is a hidden feature - and has always been so - that the value of getting a program on air, and yet it is denied, never admitted. But this pretense of being just idealistic, altruistic, sharing information, is also often a fake front that most listeners or even volunteers dont want to 'believe' - because they just dont want to be seen as betraying KPFK, for being so cynical. Ideals are hard to chip into.

No need to expose it all. Yet we believe in not being hypocritical
[like KPFK does on air - when criticizing NPR etc for their sponsors - even while KPFKers too are getting other helpful alliances or positions , special accesses, and other hidden benefits from this privilege they have of being on air on KPFK - for themselves - much more than for the generic station itself ].

This may sound hard and critical, and yes, we are writing it openly here , but this 'secret' is not only denied but prohibited from mention anywhere near the station or it's LSB also. Having been affiliated with KPFK since 1960's continuously to now,
we have volunteered mostly at fund drives, and on occasion other chores, and have come to observe folks while in there.

But even while being good observers, communicators and exposers of what we do perceive, we continue on loyally anyhow, in spite of our concerns of what happens there that is never addressed as far as we know.

Note also : the latest LSB Chairperson was so exceptionally good at facilitating that LSB meeting - we were delighted, having had such horrific and scary experiences in past meetings [last one attended may have been 2008 when we felt physically threatened by 1 LSB member while all other members who colluded and enabled such behaviors, were not admitting or helping or stopping it ]. This man's skills and his being willing to do this hard work is commendable [We wrote him so already]. This makes such a big difference ! We are glad he is in charge of these meetings and admiring of his skills too.

Another staff programmer that keeps many other people[who are often strangers met somewhere] is Roy Tuckman's late night or archived programs. The variety and relevance of much of that programming is a draw that cannot be found elsewhere...while much of the political versions may also to be heard elsewhere - even if not in so extensive time slots. And of course Amy Goodman is heard by many even if they dont listen to any other KPFK program, we hear said.

You should also know that the many slanted complaints to get rid of Ian Masters is not heard from listeners outside the station least we have never heard this. But instead find that listeners appreciate his intelligence and his guests on air. This cohort of anti-Ian demanders were a startling 'attack' on a person not present obviously. These demanding listeners are not a majority but were surprising at LSB meeting to be very vocal and maybe unified ? When 'talking behind someone's back' - doing maligning easily - it might be their way to try get THEIR views on air or influence you instead. This display of anger may be something to check out further to inquire which other programmers are resented or wanted replaced by a few cohorts.

We are glad you are here now, and willing to work hard on the dysfunctional family that holds KPFK together. It all is looking very different from the listening-on-air-outside than what is experienced on the inside-closed-doors.

So we can imagine what it may be like for you entering this scene- and we do look forward to complimenting you whenever possible later.

if we can be of any service please let us know."

(C) mj 2011

Thursday, June 23, 2011

OPEN LETTER to KPFK new General Manager

Open Letter sent to New General Manager Bernard Duncan
June 21, 2011

Dear Bernard Duncan -
[You may care to delegate the responding to this if you care to, but I would appreciate a response either way please ]

It is bad public relations when "our" KPFK website is preventing any access to staff from $TAKEHOLDERS = all those who pay to keep KPFK going on" - by only showing the wrong e-address for you. The continual listing of is not operational and there you are now, hired, in charge and still there is 'mail failure' when any attempt to communicate with you is made. Please make the corrections necessary.

I had to go to another KPFK source to find your correct email, which is now:
"GM Bernard Duncan KPFK"

but also

For a long time there was a "comments" for general comments to be used as the email address a while back - that was not attended nor responded to ever ! There was long ago an automatic email acknowledgment sent back, and then even that was discontinued. No one apparently monitored or read those emails that we made efforts to write, to communicate, to make suggestions, or to ask questions of OUR station/ staff. Then even that small courtesy was soon discontinued so there was NO response at all to emails sent to that address listed for years on the KPFK website.

And yet there was no access to our giving info / suggestions/ concerns to staff or to be able to make complaints either.. and now there is NO such email address at all, with only a phone extension # listed on website. We all know that an answering machine is inhuman and unresponsive. No human calls back either. Is this a pretense or is anyone at KPFK responsible back to those who make their good efforts to contact the station ?

the "program comments" corner email, as it is called, is monitored by receptionist at front desk - only to send mail on to the proper program ....But it is apparently not going to anyone who cares about how stakeholders, listeners, pledgers respond to programs or to the radio station - and have no input at all as to how & where their money goes.

There is no actual ACCESS to communicate with anyone there at KPFK...for years and years the 'freedom' to communicate is not possible. At all. Programmers do not respond from their separate addresses either. I've tried. Failed. Not OK.

that there has never been responses, to emails, to voice mail messages and thus a total hard cold wall has created a lot of poor - very poor - to no good Public Relations. Nor has there been access to anyone for positive communications from those who care about what occurs in and on air at KPFK ... and I am not talking about the cranking angry venting cursers -- but about those who do care and want to say something and at least receive a"thank you for your comment" automatic response - IF nothing else is affordable ...for now.

what do you think ? With your having been a PR person yourself ? This may not be an urgent chore but one that definitely needs your attention, hopefully. Please dont relegate the connection to all those who work, send money, listen and promote KPFK to the least attended concern for station management.

only because I have in past too often spoken directly to GMs, to staff, to programmers - when I am at station working as pledge taker - only then have I ever been able to briefly even voice a good suggestion - or help ssomeone in charge notice the errors that occur. Problems that seem unnoticed or unattended, whether on website, or on-air- disparagement of one programmer about another,and various other glitches and off-putting occurrences that affect KPFK's proper overall functioning, etc.

It seems necessary to make any and all other poor practices visible & audible to all [called 'transparency'] ... to make errors known to then be corrected -is part of good management. Or else the ongoing poor PR and poor inter-relations with all our $$upporters of the station is bad for all concerned - including the then results being the persistently strain [frustrating to all] of prolonged fund raising. You know this already, right ? .

thanks for checking on this - and passing these concerns on to whomever has authority, is responsible, cares enough to do more than their usual chores - and to MAKE all necessary corrections.

And if you agree with any part of this letter - and make observable changes - or maybe even let me know you have read this effort to communicate with you - as the next incoming manager - or if you pass it on to someone else who can do some work for you, that's acceptable too. But if the silence is deafening, as it has been at prior efforts to communicate - our many attempts to suggest, express concerns, etc. - then the funding becomes, of course, that much more difficult too.

The overall inaccessibility has been a concern of many $supporters and is also a reason for resistance of listeners to then helping this non-profit corporation - one that seems to ignore it's contributors, until money is demanded, that is.

I presume and hope you get a good 'secty / assistant' who helps you fulfill all these details and makes your work more productive overall too. I wish you good experiences and effectiveness in improving and managing this long-valued radio station in LA.

(c) mary j. 2011

Friday, January 28, 2011

9-11 demolition facts are questioned on KPFA-KPFK radio

Guns and Butter presented a radio program about 9-11 titled - "The Economics of Politics 9=11
'Demolition Access to the World Trade Center Towers" with Kevin Ryan

A brief description of program has been written up as :

"WTC tenants, both companies and employees; security and design firms and their board members involved in redesigning and implementing the new security system after the 1993 basement bombing; companies and individuals involved in the clean-up of ground zero. Who had the means, access, motivation...

the radio program was played on KPFA and replayed on KPFK
titled - The Economics of Politics 9=11 :'Demolition Access to the World Trade Center Towers' with Kevin Ryan as speaker.

A description of program was written up as:

" WTC tenants, both companies and employees; security and design firms and their board members involved in redesigning and implementing the new security system after the 1993 basement bombing; companies and individuals involved in the clean-up of ground zero. Who had the means, access, motivation...

"Kevin Ryan is the former Site Manager for Environmental Health Laboratories, a division of Underwriters Laboratories (UL). Mr. Ryan, a Chemist and laboratory manager, was fired by UL in 2004 for publicly questioning the report being drafted by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) on their World Trade Center investigation. In the intervening period, Ryan has completed additional research while his original questions, which have become increasingly important over time, remain unanswered by UL or NIST.

"Through interviews, presentations, and his work as co-editor at the online Journal of 911 Studies, Mr. Ryan works to bring out the truth behind the events of 9/11/01."

Program comes thru KPFA,

Produced by Bonnie Faulkner.

(Bio from )

Program was played on and available some more from KPFA,
Program download:

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

On the KPFA website:
a comment on Jan 28 2011 said:

" Listening to replay of program on KPFK in LA in deep dark middle of night, I sat up and listened well ! Of course, I also want everyone else to hear it, know it, and read transcript of talk too. Thanks to Bonnie for playing it and for Roy of Hollywood in LA for sharing it to us local So Cal folk.

Does anyone know of a text transcript available ?

Or do I have to type it up and offer it ?.... in time....

This definitely needs various formats to share it for those who like to read more slowly, or listen, or need to be lured into info by some other 'sly' means ?

billboards, posters, placards, postcards, what else ?

who is doing some of this ?

please someone - inform us all

9-11 is debated by various programmers on KPFK, some who call those who are interested or just share info or play a program are labeled "fringe" elements and are wished away from the station, and others who very occasionally play a program, conference, lecture seem to have-to even 'apologize' to the management ?
or the listeners ?
or to those who may be higher-stat used at KPFK station ? dunno
but it is strange censorship attempt at free-speech non-transparent Pacifica, other claims notwithstanding.

We need more exposure of info, of facts, of questions, of discussions, of alllllll that has been or is still wanted to be SUPPRESSED so only one sided propaganda exists....instead of the multiple varieties of propagandas and Rashomon stories become exposed, wikileaker style.

who is doing this on 9-11 more so now a days ?

give us some more info, here or tell us where else to look...

KPFK does not have a website that allows comments or responses. reverted back to 17th Cent. style and is the less transparent place no matter how much I or others try badger, shame them into revealing more about what happens in, around, within, station. No access allowed !

No comments allowed there either...been trying, failing to get station mgement or staff to change...for years....oh well....
they replayed this program anyhow !

[note to Bonnie of "Guns and Butter": you need to do basic update of your website cuz none of the headings opens into anything other than same request for money, which is listed as '2010' and '2008'...unless you deliberately dont want to hear anything or share any info, such as "about" or "contact" either ?? ]

another person wrote:

"Yes it is a lot of info. These may help: "

You may want to listen with fascination to this pertinent information about doubts many people still have and speak about with a bit of worry about the 'truth' OUR government provides us about 'what did happen' and what makes sense from the published publicized versions provided via main street public media. Many have become more and more concerned about the honesty of 'facts' and slants of information allowed 'out'. Many more are still scientifically and crefully researching to unearth and dis-cover reliable verifiable 'facts' that confirm any 'theories' as without a basis in our physical actual reality, many more people now than ever before have serious concerns and doubts.

The distrust of OUR government, which all is paid and maintained by every single taxpayer in this USA, has expanded, exploded and become a 'problem' for all government staff and officials...more and more "independents", 'tea party' groupers, and others no longer accept what PR speeches and disclaimers and cliche slogans are regularly offered up to dispell our distrust.

The 9-11 related subsequent questions that remained are still unanswered, unexplained, and also more often just ignored, which makes the USA "Amercan People" wonder just who was "home" and "providing public security" both in 2001 and in 2011 also.

"conspiracy" is repetitious word used in an attempt to discount and demean those who ask legitimate questions, thus officials and deniers are suggesting only they have good answers and "theories" - and is why the "Official" Govt PR versions are claimed as the ONLY "truths" that exist.

Many people,today as before, are not so sure.

(C) akpfker 2011 "