Friday, November 28, 2008

“Open Letter to KPFK's LSB” =reposting from

KPFK's local board members are voted in by some other listener-sponsors. But are any of those who send money regularly to support and maintain the radio station have a say about anything ? huh ?

Do the LSB of KPFK represent a group[s] of listeners and seek their opinions before voting or making any decisions, instead of only representing their individual selves as seems to be the case now ?

Who does each LSB member actually represent ?

Do they ever tell us about the size of groups they actually inform, ask, represent?

What are the slants of those they represent ?

What are the ways listener-sponsors can have input to LSB members to be included, instead of just hanging out here ?

the way the LSB member was elected was by campaigning for votes but are these secret lists only they maintain and respond to... or are these voters then later ignored ?
Who decides who gets on the Pacifica National Board from LSB and what is the procedure for getting to move up there ?

and does it actually take hours and days and weeks of reading the bylaws and rules and all that small print to get generally informed about how KPFK & Pacifica too is actually run ?

does one have to be a quasi-lawyer to understand the legalities, meanings of cue words and phrases and the maneuverability of motions, language and ploys played out to have any input in what happens to OUR KPFK ?

we out here, who have paid-up generously at the long and last begging pledge drive have no information - just rumors - just allusions - to the use of the KPFK bldg being used as collateral for another Pacifica station in NY called WBAI - with the Pacifica National Board members making decisions about how to use the building that houses our resource and where our staff work. huh ?

[apparently THEY = PNB = own it ? huh?

how does that make sense ?

the whole group owns OUR building and we rent it here ?

or the Pacifica corp / organization owns it ?

or exactly who holds the deed, pays the mortgage, has title ??]

And decisions are being made where ?

who is NOT PROVIDING THE LISTENERS any information, or any feedback to questions, or asking for listener-input [no matter how wild or crazy, it is legitimate if we are the shareholder-sponsors of this thing called KPFK, whatever it contains] ?

Are decisions being made in Wash. D.C. ? in NY ? and then brought it in pretense of a 'discussion' that has no power to change what was already planned, decided and controlled elsewhere ?

And since we all over here dont - dont know s......t - about any of what is real, actual, occurring - and NOT in our name either - tho we thought we were part of the whole thing.....we are no thing, no way to have any opinion or say when we are not told what is occurring either.

Where is the principle and essence of what Pacifica claims, what KPFK pledges and 'we the people', Free Speech [not hidden secret whispers ], being in favor of egalitarian and open communications ?

what is going on ?

who else is going to tell us...the truth...finally ?

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